Here's some insight from Coach Glassman (the founder of CrossFit) on the intent of CrossFit:
"CrossFit is in large part derived from several simple observations garnered through hanging out with athletes for thirty years and willingness, if not eagerness, to experiment coupled with a total disregard for conventional wisdom. Let me share some of the more formative of these observations: 
1. Gymnasts learn new sports faster than other athletes. 
2. Olympic lifters can apply more useful power to more activities than other athletes. 
3. Powerlifters are stronger than other athletes. 
4. Sprinters can match the cardiovascular performance of endurance athletes even at extended efforts. 
5. Endurance athletes are woefully lacking in total physical capacity. 
6. With high carb diets you either get fat or weak. 
7. Bodybuilders can't punch, jump, run, or throw like athletes can. 
8. Segmenting training efforts delivers a segmented capacity. 
9. Optimizing physical capacity requires training at unsustainable intensities. 
10. The world's most successful athletes and coaches rely on exercise science the way deer hunters rely on the accordion.”

What is a WOD?
The WOD is the “Workout of the Day”.  At Mountain Fit/Ascent CrossFit, we program our own “WODs” on a five day on, two day off cycle.  Our WODs are constantly varied so you will rarely see the same WOD resurface.
What if I can’t do the WOD as posted?

Many atheletes cannot complete the prescribed workouts and we understand that. Everyday at Ascent CrossFit you will see WODs listed for Advance, Intermediate and Beginner athletes. An important part of the CrossFit methodology is the concept of “scaling”. That is, substituting in modifications to movements to make them more or less difficult based on the individual’s level of fitness and training.
Is the WOD enough, or will I need to do more training?
An important part of the CrossFit philosophy includes pursuing/learning other sports and/or activities. Many of our athletes are also competitive in a variety of other sport disciplines. However, if you work hard during the WOD, you will find yourself at an improved level of fitness, and for lots of us, the WOD is our primary “sport.” If you pursue another activity, you will need to balance your work/rest cycles and be sure to allow for recovery. Sometimes, you will need extra days off or to consider a WOD as “active rest” done at a lower intensity.
Should I be in fairly good shape before starting at Ascent CrossFit? Should I go to a traditional gym to get a “base” level of fitness before stepping up to CrossFit?
NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO!!!! CrossFit is designed for athletes of ALL levels — from professional athletes, to desk jockeys, to homemakers, to retirees. We program the workouts for all of our clients based on their individual fitness level and ability. Further, you will first go through Ascent CrossFit 101 prior to conducting WODs with the rest of the gym. 
For more FAQ’s, please click here to see the CrossFit Headquarters FAQ page.